
NPAS DataMaster DMT Discovery for Vermont Department of Public Safety

Welcome Vermont Defense Bar, Defender General and Vermont State's Attorneys.  The DMT Discovery is now available, in its entirety, online.  The directory is structured and searchable.  Monthly updates will be posted here as well.​

Folder: Accreditation
5/27/2021 5:23 AMBolduc, Amanda
Folder: Affidavits, Rules and Approvals
5/27/2021 5:45 AMBolduc, Amanda
Folder: Corrective Actions
5/27/2021 5:25 AMBolduc, Amanda
07132020 DMT Software update memo.pdf
2/22/2021 2:37 PMDukette, Jeffery S.
2017 12V500 sim memo.pdf
3/25/2017 8:25 AMBolduc, Amanda
BD Vacutainer Recall Notice.pdf
6/24/2019 8:00 AMDukette, Jeffery S.
COVID DMT cleaning and use.pdf
3/20/2020 11:43 AMBolduc, Amanda
DMT Hardware Update Memo 11302017.pdf
11/30/2017 2:05 PMDriscoll, Rob
DMT Out of Service Memo_07272018.pdf
7/30/2018 10:42 AMDukette, Jeffery S.
DMT Remote OOS Memo 03042021.pdf
4/23/2021 3:27 PMDukette, Jeffery S.
DMT Software Memo 08172017.pdf
8/17/2017 10:30 AMDriscoll, Rob
DMT Software Update Deviation from Procedure Memo 08072020.pdf
2/22/2021 2:36 PMDukette, Jeffery S.
7/15/2015 2:24 PMDriscoll, Rob
DOT Acknowledgement of Ownership Change of NPAS Breath Alcohol Testing.pdf
12/10/2015 8:13 AMBolduc, Amanda
Intox cleaning recommendations re COVID-19.pdf
3/20/2020 12:16 PMDukette, Jeffery S.
Intox DMT update 040317.pdf
4/10/2017 7:05 AMDriscoll, Rob
Intox email regarding COVID-19.pdf
3/20/2020 12:16 PMDukette, Jeffery S.
July 2018 Software Update Memo.pdf
8/10/2018 9:13 AMBolduc, Amanda
New Manuals Memo 09102015.pdf
9/10/2015 11:36 AMBolduc, Amanda
1/31/2019 11:08 AMBolduc, Amanda