Folder: Berlin Barre East Montpelier CVTA bike Trail
12/19/2019 8:12 AMCovey, Nate
Folder: Berlin Waterline Late 2019 Review 1 return
11/7/2019 8:19 AMCovey, Nate
Folder: Derby Walmart
7/9/2015 8:19 AMSabine Frost-AOT
Folder: Permit 38887
2/15/2017 2:43 PMSabine Frost-AOT
Folder: Permit 42987
9/11/2019 10:04 AMSabine Frost-AOT
Folder: Permit 43105
7/15/2019 9:53 AMSabine Frost-AOT
Folder: St Albans
5/17/2019 1:21 PMSabine Frost-AOT
Folder: Wallingford RSFS Request
9/21/2017 3:31 PMGilman, Theresa
_Issued for Bid Set.pdf
9/6/2017 9:25 AMGilman, Theresa
15F105_Scoping 20Report (tcg 05262017).pdf
5/26/2017 1:22 PMGilman, Theresa
16-021 Vtrans Stormwater Submission.pdf
8/27/2019 11:01 AMGilman, Theresa
10/17/2018 4:13 PMGilman, Theresa
2015-03-03_Bennington Roundabout.pdf
3/6/2015 8:15 AMLofgren, Matt
4/4/2016 10:08 AMGilman, Theresa
3 Corners Scoping Study (004).pdf
1/5/2017 1:29 PMGilman, Theresa
407-002 BID REV 3 (Dorset Water).pdf
7/5/2022 11:16 AMGilman, Theresa
57683 BID DOCS_DRAFT.pdf
10/29/2018 12:37 PMGilman, Theresa
10/29/2018 12:37 PMGilman, Theresa
10/29/2018 12:37 PMGilman, Theresa
98D004_Final (Agency Comments).pdf
11/6/2018 3:13 PMGilman, Theresa
98D004_Final (OLSR Jan 2018).pdf
8/1/2019 12:35 PMGilman, Theresa
Bennington DPI 0146(1) C3 - Partial As-Builts.pdf
7/20/2017 2:29 PMGilman, Theresa
1/26/2021 10:14 AMGilman, Theresa
Bennington US7 Water Line Hybrid Crossing_archive.pdf
3/14/2021 5:02 PMGilman, Theresa
Bennington US7 Water Line Rev 1 submittal_review (04-13-21).pdf
4/13/2021 1:35 PMGilman, Theresa
Brattleboro, US5 - Letter of Intent (VTrans ID 41709).pdf
6/28/2017 3:05 PMGilman, Theresa
C10-02 Internal Circulation Plan From South.pdf
8/27/2019 11:01 AMGilman, Theresa
C10-03 Internal Circulation Plan From North.pdf
8/27/2019 11:01 AMGilman, Theresa
C1-02 Existing Conditions & Demolition Plan.pdf
8/27/2019 11:01 AMGilman, Theresa
C2-01 Overall Site Plan.pdf
8/27/2019 11:01 AMGilman, Theresa
C2-02 Grading & Utility Plan.pdf
8/27/2019 11:01 AMGilman, Theresa
C8-01 Site Details.pdf
8/27/2019 11:01 AMGilman, Theresa
C8-02 Storm & Erosion Details.pdf
8/27/2019 11:01 AMGilman, Theresa
C8-04 Erosion Prevention & Sediment Control.pdf
8/27/2019 11:01 AMGilman, Theresa
C8-05 Erosion Prevention & Sediment Control.pdf
8/27/2019 11:01 AMGilman, Theresa
Danville FEGC 028-3(32) - Utility Plans.pdf
2/1/2021 2:34 PMGilman, Theresa
Farnsworth Brook Rd Intersection.pdf
7/24/2017 4:55 PMGilman, Theresa
Guidance for Fences in the ROW.pdf
5/8/2015 8:10 AMSabine Frost-AOT
Guidance for Landscaping in the ROW.pdf
5/8/2015 8:10 AMSabine Frost-AOT
Hartford Permit 43566 Town of Hartford Permit LOI Package (11-6-19).pdf
11/12/2019 1:17 PMGilman, Theresa
Hartford Permit ID 43566 (Issued).pdf
6/25/2020 3:20 PMGilman, Theresa
Hartford STP 0113(59)S Plans.pdf
11/12/2019 1:18 PMGilman, Theresa
Hartland 3-Crns (FINAL) - VTrans Comments.pdf
8/11/2017 5:37 PMGilman, Theresa
Hartland 3-Crns (FINAL) - VTrans Comments-VHB Responses (with highlights VTrans).pdf
11/8/2017 1:56 PMGilman, Theresa
Hartland 3-Crns Comments (Oct 2017).pdf
2/5/2018 11:35 AMGilman, Theresa
3/10/2022 3:33 PMGilman, Theresa
Hartland Three Crns  - Preliminary OLSR.pdf
1/5/2017 1:38 PMGilman, Theresa
LOI - Pemit 41874 (Bennington PFOA Water Main).pdf
8/3/2017 8:14 AMGilman, Theresa
LUP 1R0788 & 1R0788-2 (Sunrise Plaza).pdf
5/10/2019 3:59 PMGilman, Theresa
Opinion of Probable Costs (VT67A LS 53+00 - 64+00).pdf
5/10/2016 11:17 AMGilman, Theresa
Pellerin Deed.pdf
5/10/2019 4:09 PMGilman, Theresa
Pellerin Parcel Deed.pdf
5/10/2019 4:00 PMGilman, Theresa
Permit 41664 (Issued).pdf
12/19/2018 3:14 PMGilman, Theresa
Permit 41984.pdf
5/30/2018 12:13 PMGilman, Theresa
Permit 42117 (Norwich VT10 Town of Norwich).pdf
11/21/2017 12:14 PMGilman, Theresa
Permit 42117 (Norwich, VT10, Town of Norwich).pdf
11/21/2017 11:59 AMGilman, Theresa
Permit 42609 (Hartford, US4 - Benedict).pdf
9/20/2018 12:37 PMGilman, Theresa
Permit 42763 (VELCO - I-91).pdf
11/26/2018 12:14 PMGilman, Theresa
10/4/2018 12:20 PMGilman, Theresa
Pittsford DG - Combined Plan Set  (05-05-19).pdf
8/27/2019 11:07 AMGilman, Theresa
2/23/2016 11:51 AMSabine Frost-AOT
Putney Landing BLA Request.pdf
4/17/2017 2:51 PMGilman, Theresa
Putney Landing S.1111 Permit.pdf
7/19/2017 10:36 AMGilman, Theresa
ROW Plans - Hartland 3 Corners.pdf
1/5/2017 1:29 PMGilman, Theresa
Royalton VT14 (Eaton).pdf
9/13/2018 2:16 PMGilman, Theresa
9/21/2017 3:34 PMGilman, Theresa
STP SDWK (12) Kocher Dr - Final Plans rx.pdf
1/2/2020 11:09 AMGilman, Theresa
Summary of Comments on Bennington US7 Water Line Rev 1 submittal_review.pdf
4/13/2021 1:22 PMGilman, Theresa
Sunrise Plaza Partial Parcel Chain.pdf
5/10/2019 4:01 PMGilman, Theresa
US Route 7 Sleeve Crossing Plan 050621 - 3rd Review Comments.pdf
5/27/2021 11:42 AMGilman, Theresa
Vernon LOI Permit 44241 Plans.pdf
2/4/2021 10:30 AMGilman, Theresa
VT Real Estate Holdings 1 -Shaftsbury Solar (US7) - VTrans Comments 2.pdf
6/20/2024 6:38 PMGilman, Theresa
VTran Permit 43084 (Town of Bennington - PFOA Phase II).pdf
8/6/2019 11:06 AMGilman, Theresa
VTran Permit ID 28779 (Pittsford Products, 2004).pdf
2/8/2019 9:44 AMGilman, Theresa
VTrans ID 42716 - Pita Development (Issued Permit).pdf
9/11/2018 9:26 AMGilman, Theresa
VTrans Permit 38943 (Lopez - Drive) (1).pdf
6/18/2018 10:54 AMGilman, Theresa
VTrans Permit 39049 (Lopez  Sewer).pdf
6/18/2018 10:54 AMGilman, Theresa
VTrans Permit 41847.pdf
9/13/2017 9:55 AMGilman, Theresa
VTrans Permit 43084 - Letter of Intent.pdf
6/4/2019 10:40 AMGilman, Theresa
VTrans Permit 43084 (Rev 1) - Plan and TCP.pdf
6/17/2021 1:10 PMGilman, Theresa
VTrans Permit ID 2003 (Castleton, VT4A - Sunrise Plaza).pdf
5/10/2019 3:59 PMGilman, Theresa
VTrans Permit ID 2114 (Mitchell, 1997).pdf
2/8/2019 9:44 AMGilman, Theresa
VTrans Permit ID 41664 - Permit Extension and Revision Letter [Bennington STP SDWK(12)] - Jan 2020.pdf
1/9/2020 9:35 AMGilman, Theresa
VTrans Permit ID 43152 (Issued).pdf
3/19/2021 4:21 PMGilman, Theresa
VTrans Permit ID 43566 (Part 2 of 2) Project Plans.pdf
6/25/2020 3:27 PMGilman, Theresa
VTrans Permit ID 43736 (Issued).pdf
5/11/2020 9:50 AMGilman, Theresa
VTrans Project - Manchester SN FAP 92 C(1).pdf
4/5/2019 3:15 PMGilman, Theresa
Wallingford RSFS Ltr and Speed Data.pdf
9/21/2017 3:27 PMGilman, Theresa
Wallingford RSFS Plan.pdf
9/21/2017 3:27 PMGilman, Theresa
Wallingford RSFS Sign.pdf
9/21/2017 3:28 PMGilman, Theresa
Waterbury Access Permit.pdf
5/8/2019 10:24 PMGilman, Theresa
Webster (Barnard) - Supplemental Emails.pdf
11/27/2018 3:13 PMGilman, Theresa
Wilmington Permit 42993 Southwest VT Health Care PermitSMF 050719 (Issued).pdf
5/8/2019 9:58 AMGilman, Theresa