Please discontinue use of all VAOT Traffic cells from previous cell libraries provided. Due to an issue where certain elements in these file are no longer supported by MicroStation. The following *.cel file should be replaced with the new cells provided dated: 8/3/2011 trf_pavemtmark.cel 8/3/2011 trf_signalequip.cel 8/3/2011 trf_signbike.cel 8/3/2011 trf_signbiked.cel 8/3/2011 trf_signfreewy.cel 8/3/2011 trf_signguide.cel 8/3/2011 trf_signguided.cel 8/3/2011 trf_signmisc.cel 8/3/2011 trf_signposts.cel 8/3/2011 trf_signregul.cel 8/3/2011 trf_signreguld.cel 8/3/2011 trf_signrest.cel 8/3/2011 trf_signroadwd.cel 8/3/2011 trf_signroadwk.cel 8/3/2011 8/3/2011 trf_signwarn.cel 8/3/2011 trf_signwarnd.cel 8/3/2011 trf_sign_guide_12.cel 8/3/2011 trf_sign_regul_12.cel 8/3/2011 trf_sign_warn_12.cel 8/3/2011 trf_traffic.cel 8/3/2011 trf_trafmisc.cel 8/3/2011