10/18/2018 11:28 AMrazelle.hoffman
LkMorey18_potential treat 19_sm.pdf
10/18/2018 11:28 AMrazelle.hoffman
Netherland and Richardson 2016 Eval Sensitivity of Five Aquatic Plants to Novel Arylpicolinate Herbicide using OECD Protocol_Weed Sci 64_181-.pdf
11/7/2018 11:30 AMrazelle.hoffman
ProcellaCOR EC Specimen.pdf
10/18/2018 11:28 AMrazelle.hoffman
REVISED_Lake Morey 5-Year IMP 2018.pdf
10/18/2018 11:28 AMrazelle.hoffman
Richardson et al 2016 Response of Seven Aquatic Plants to a New Arylpicolinate Herbicide JAPM 54-01-26.pdf
10/18/2018 11:28 AMrazelle.hoffman