Folder: 1. Scoring Materials
11/22/2013 8:57 AMCorkins, Caitlin
Folder: HP17-001 Barre, Jones Brothers Company (Shed 1)
11/22/2016 10:35 AMCorkins, Caitlin
Folder: HP17-002 Bethel, Old Town Hall
11/22/2016 10:35 AMCorkins, Caitlin
Folder: HP17-003 Brattleboro, Centre Congregational Church
11/22/2016 10:36 AMCorkins, Caitlin
Folder: HP17-004 Brattleboro, Union Station
11/22/2016 10:36 AMCorkins, Caitlin
Folder: HP17-005 Bristol, First Congregational Church
11/22/2016 10:36 AMCorkins, Caitlin
Folder: HP17-006 Brookline, Brookline Baptist Church
11/22/2016 10:36 AMCorkins, Caitlin
Folder: HP17-007 Burlington, Bishops House
11/22/2016 10:36 AMCorkins, Caitlin
Folder: HP17-008 Burlington, First UU Society Meeting House
11/22/2016 10:36 AMCorkins, Caitlin
Folder: HP17-009 Calais, Robinson Sawmill
11/22/2016 10:36 AMCorkins, Caitlin
Folder: HP17-010 Chelsea, Town Hall and Library
11/22/2016 10:36 AMCorkins, Caitlin
Folder: HP17-011 Chester, District 20 and Central School
11/22/2016 10:37 AMCorkins, Caitlin
Folder: HP17-012 Clarendon, Town Hall
11/22/2016 10:37 AMCorkins, Caitlin
Folder: HP17-013 Craftsbury, Craftsbury Inn
11/22/2016 10:37 AMCorkins, Caitlin
Folder: HP17-014 Dover, Harris House
11/22/2016 10:39 AMCorkins, Caitlin
Folder: HP17-015 Fairfield, East Fairfield Union Meeting House
11/22/2016 10:39 AMCorkins, Caitlin
Folder: HP17-016 Fairlee, Town Hall
11/22/2016 10:39 AMCorkins, Caitlin
Folder: HP17-017 Georgia, Brick School House Museum
11/22/2016 10:39 AMCorkins, Caitlin
Folder: HP17-018 Granville, Corner School
11/22/2016 10:39 AMCorkins, Caitlin
Folder: HP17-019 Guilford, Green River Timber Crib Dam
11/22/2016 10:39 AMCorkins, Caitlin
Folder: HP17-020 Hardwick, Hardwick Depot
11/22/2016 10:39 AMCorkins, Caitlin
Folder: HP17-021 Holland, West Holland Congregational Church
11/22/2016 10:39 AMCorkins, Caitlin
Folder: HP17-022 Lincoln, Burnham Hall
11/22/2016 10:40 AMCorkins, Caitlin
Folder: HP17-023 Lyndon, First Congregational Church of Lyndon
11/22/2016 10:40 AMCorkins, Caitlin
Folder: HP17-024 North Hero, The Hookenspooon
11/22/2016 10:40 AMCorkins, Caitlin
Folder: HP17-025 Norwich, Root Schoolhouse
11/22/2016 10:40 AMCorkins, Caitlin
Folder: HP17-026 Pawlet, Town Hall
11/22/2016 10:40 AMCorkins, Caitlin
Folder: HP17-027 Peacham, Coffin House
11/22/2016 10:40 AMCorkins, Caitlin
Folder: HP17-028 Pomfret, Old Town Clerks Building
11/22/2016 10:40 AMCorkins, Caitlin
Folder: HP17-029 Poultney, St. Johns Episcopal Church
11/22/2016 10:41 AMCorkins, Caitlin
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